Did you know 72% of people prefer to learn about a product or service by watching a video? Or that video is now the most effective way to engage customers on LinkedIn thanks to an impressive 82% view rate?
Whatever your thoughts on the merits of watching versus reading, the world’s rising preference for moving images over static text is clear. No surprise, then, that a growing number of firms are investing large chunks of their marketing budget in video production.
Yet while 81% of businesses already use video as a marketing tool, 57% of marketers also cite it as the most difficult type of content to produce. And this, of course, begs the question: Is all that investment reaping the rewards in terms of customer relationships, lead generation and sales conversion?
Here are our six steps to producing videos that make an impact without breaking the bank:
- Stop making corporate videos and start engaging customers with video content. In a world of content overload, low corporate trust and conscious consumerism, slick, highly-stylized corporate videos often lead to a sense of skepticism and disengagement among audiences leery of being ‘marketed to’. On the flipside, creating authentic video content that’s relevant to people’s lives can be hugely effective. So, consider having your CEO shoot a selfie-style rather than spending hours in the edit suite crafting that perfect office panorama shot.
- Start with what you have. Not every piece of video content has to be created from scratch. From white papers and research studies, to customer stories and sales presentations, be sure to check what assets you already have in-house that could be used to tell your story entertainingly and informatively on-screen.
- Plan meticulously. What messages do you want to get across – and does your storyboard deliver them? Are you creating a single long-form piece, a series of social media cut-downs or both? What’s your distribution and amplification strategy? Knowing the answers to these questions (and more!) from the outset can help shape your video content and ensure it delivers real value for your business.
- Be concise. A recent study found that 57% of US business decision-makers and purchase influencers say their preferred format for thought leadership content is ‘snackable’ media that can be digested in a few minutes. So, rather than doing that 30-minute webinar with your CFO at annual results time, how about creating a short and snappy animation bringing to life the key numbers instead?
- Don’t be more white noise. . In other words, cutting through the clutter when it comes to video content is getting harder. Remaining laser-focused on what’s relevant and meaningful to your audience is therefore paramount. And the way to do that is by taking the time to do your research
- Make your point…but don’t hammer it. A good rule of thumb is to mention your product or website three times in a 30-second piece of video content – ideally visually as well as audibly given that people often watch video content without the sound. Remember the need for authentic and engaging content though. So, yes, make your key point(s) clearly, but don’t cross the line into repeatedly shouting marketing messages at an audience who will simply switch off.
At J&L, we specialize in creating video content that reaches the right people in the right way at the right time – and we’d love to chat to you about how we can help your business do exactly that.
Connect with us by emailing Jennifer Compton at jennifer@jandlcomms.com